About Me

I lived in Geoje Island (South Korea) and now working & living in Busan. Aspiring screenwriter, poet and blogger. I write because : Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose or paint can manage to escape the madness, melancholia, the panic and fear which is inherent in a human situation”. Graham Greene

I love nature mom especially innocent animals, birds, forests, calm lakes, noisy beaches, green mountains, noisy rivers and streams. I love winter and rain especially when its long nights of winter with slow and peaceful raining.

I love exercising, walking aimlessly and swimming. I love playing cricket and soccer (although played soccer rarely in whole life). I love dreaming and thinking. I love socializing (but with nice people and it happens after long time) so most of time I love being alone like a bird away from its nest in evening.

Writing is an art and you know art is an awesome way to escape from unacceptable realities and dirty facts of the world. Writing and reading is mind exercise and these keep fit your soul. Thanks to WordPress where I’m connected with like minded people. The people who feel, think and act like me. When I log in on WordPress I feel like what Andy ( Tom Robbins) feels after escaping from The Shawshank Redemption.

South Korea is full of natural beauty so I enjoy outings in nature and I share on Instagram what my eyes see @eyeboy85

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